Walk Like You banner .gif

Animated Collage

Animated Collage

Martha Stewart's Nightmare

A bride and their fabric, in a harsh reality, deform and then reform into their self.

Photoshop | Premiere Pro | After Effects


Hand-Cut Base Collages


Walk Just Like You

Motion tracked pieces of fashion video collaged into a figure

Premiere Pro | After Effects | Mocha AE


A Haunted Past

Hand-cut collages on paper combined, layered, and animated

Photoshop | Premiere Pro | After Effects


hand-cut base collages:

Haunted Mansion.jpg

Alone Boy

A boy—alone—turning inward beside a damn outside San Francisco as a storm comes to a close and the sun begins to shine.
Composition of a hand-cut collage, my own photograph, 
and found footage.

Photoshop Premiere Pro After Effects


A Long Ocean Drive

Simple composition of found footage, motion tracked, masked, and effected to create a looped environmental collage.

Premiere Pro | After Effects | Mocha AE


Trapped Like Rats

Motion tracked, masked, and animated footage collaged into a scene of a woman stepping outside herself upon seeing a version of her own life.

Premiere Pro | After Effects

Ribbon Wave

Two hand-cut collages composited and animated, overlaid with recorded video of light reflecting off of mylar through colored vellum prints.

Premiere Pro | After Effects | Mocha AE


Tomorrow Television (will consume me)

A camera man stuck within the intricate path of dispersion that will carry the footage he shoots

Premiere Pro | After Effects | Mocha AE